We chose to recycle the material shot by Mathew Swinsky during the visit of Rime and Dr. Dax to Mexico.

Due to his never ending activity it is sometimes difficult to keep track of everything that Rime has in store. It turns out that a few months ago Jersey Joe embarked on a spiritual journey, literally, on Mexican soil. Accompanied by his partner on this adventure, Dr. Dax, the psychotropic tandem could not help but leave their magic on a wall in the city of Tulum, in Quintana Roo. Accompanied by the UOC, Matthew Swinsky dedicated some time to taking some pics that immortalized this remarkable reunion with graffiti as a object after some days of spirituality.

Due to many shifts, graffiti has taken a bit of a backseat in the course of my life this year. For @dr.daxand I the trip down to Mexico had more to do with spiritual growth than anything else. After a week in the jungle connecting with the universe we ended up in Tulum for a few days of beach and eating again. Aside from catching tags this trip was not about painting. With years of showing what I look like I occasionally get recognized on the street.

Rime MSK

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