True to our social and environmental commitment, we continue with our donations by means of MTN TNT support product, which is aimed at entrepreneur or association projects whose actions and daily work we consider to be an example to follow for the rest of society.
Gaia Sanctuary is a refuge for farm animals. It’s a place where animals who’ve been exploited receive the necessary care in order to have a decent life for the rest of their lives.
Located in Ogassa (Girona) in a privileged location surrounded by forest, rivers, and mountains, the peacefulness of the place is ideal for the animals that arrive (the majority in poor condition), so that they can undergo a quick recuperation and live in peace and harmony.
Our mission is to cover their dietary, veterinary, and emotional needs. We’d like to provide each one of them with suitable, secure facilities that at the same time permits them as natural a life as possible.
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