In 2019, Contorno Urbano‘s 12+1 project has abandoned the La Torrassa bridge wall, and we can only suppose temporarily. However in contrast, this public space initiative has spread to other localities in the province of Barcelona.

Sant Vicenç dels Horts is one of them, and two graffiti writers have been brought there to carry out a joint mural. They opted for a “battle” theme, and though it’s quite fashionable lately, the Galician, Siro and Barcelonian, Musa put their two styles head to head in an authentic duel, hence the video takes the form of an old western flick. Both the writers’ crazy pieces stirred up some dust and they leave you with either wildstyle, or the Wild Wild West on your mind.

Thanks to Clara Antón’s sensational taste, we also have some great photographs documenting this confrontation that luckily, wasn’t a life or death matter. It’s up to you to judge who won.

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