In Oceania as well, the MTN Water Based paints are jumping from the canvas in artist studios to train metal.

At this point, it’s already been established that MTN Water Based paint is a favorite for many suburban writers from different European cities. Who would have imagined this ironic destiny; the most static, calm artistic ouput going hand in hand with the most extreme, reckless graffiti that exists, thanks to one single product? As we have seen in previous posts, in cities like Berlin, Bucharest and on through to Barcelona, MTN Water Based spray paint has become an indispensable tool for many stealth artists thanks to its practically odorless formulation.
Now, the question is, has this trend spread across to the rest of the world?

Perhaps this series of captivating images provided by our brothers at Montana Colors Australia will serve as an answer. Although an outdoor “backjump” isn’t exactly the best way to squeeze the most out of the MTN Water Based paint’s main potential, it is a testimony to this spray paint’s excellent performance in speed situations, and also mixed with 94 paint. The “Dave” piece, whose author must remain anonymous, demonstrates an excellent result on a characteristic Sydney panel.

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